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Webcast: ITU Telecom World Forum 2013, Panel Session “Mobile Cloud Networks”, Thursday 21 November (16.15-17:45, Bangkok)

The panel sessions will be webcast (audio and video). Questions submitted via a Twitter feed using the hashtag #ITUWORLDLIVE  or by SMS or through the ITU Telecom webcast portal will be displayed on the Moderator’s laptop screen during the session.Screenshot from 2013-11-17 01:49:04

Mobile Cloud Networks
Thursday, 21 November 2013, 16:15 – 17:45, Jupiter 9

Innovative services and products over the next decade will be strongly driven by cloud computing technologies. Research communities on cloud technologies will need to address challenges such as radio access in the cloud, new opportunities for sharing of infrastructure, open source, SDN (software defined networks), new CDN (content delivery networks), and ICN (information centric networks). Globally, green requirements, performance and scalability studies and related impacts on policy, regulation and standardisation will also need to be addressed. Telecommunication networks need to be prepared for the requirements coming from cloud services, transporting the corresponding information in an effective and efficient way. The cloud concept is being brought into network architectures, by introducing virtualisation into all signal processing and information storage in the networks, and the service provision concept as a replacement for current network node functionalities. Game developers, network operators, OTT content providers and community operators will have a big role to play in these new paradigms. A broad view will be taken, addressing perspectives of innovation, standardisation, business models, implementation, roadmap, and so on.


  • Dr Thomas Michael Bohnert,  Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland


  • Prof. Luis M. Correia, Associate Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico – Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dr Neil Davies, Founder and Chief Scientist, Predictable Network Solutions, United Kingdom
  • Mr Latif Ladid, Founder & President, IPv6 Forum, Luxembourg
  • Mr Peter Riedel, Executive Vice-President, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany
  • Dr Masao Sakauchi, President, NICT, Japan

Panel at the ICT 2013 Event in Vilnius

Future Internet: The „Internet of Everything“ Economy – The Next 10 Years

  • Dr. Joao Schwarz, Research Fellow, SnT, University of Luxembourg
  • Panelists:

  • Prof Dr. Peter Kirstein, European Father of the Internet, University London College (UCL), UK
  • Dr. Thomas Michael Bonhert, Head of ICCLab, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
  • Latif Ladid, President IPv6 Forum, Chair IEEE ComSoc IOT, Senior Researcher, SnT, UL
  • With Latif and Peter on stage.



    Caros investigadores do CISUC,

    É com prazer que anuncio que o Mestre Thomas Michael Bohnert apresentou e defendeu com sucesso na passada quinta-feira, 24 de outubro, a sua tese de doutoramento, intitulada „Advancing Measurement-based Admission Control“, tendo sido aprovado por unanimidade com distinção.

    Quero, assim, felicitar publicamente o novo doutor Thomas Michael Bohnert, o seu orientador, Doutor Edmundo Monteiro, o CISUC, no seio do qual foi desenvolvido o trabalho, e o DEI.

    Ao Thomas Bohnert, que nos acompanhou ao longo de alguns anos, desejo as maiores felicidades.

    Fernando Boavida
    (Presidente do júri)

    Notes of the EU-Korea Workshop

    Day One
    Keynote by Martin Wiktorin, CEO Ericsson-LG
    Different revolutions over the past century
    From 1971 onward, IT and telecommunications revolution
    Question TMB: Shouldn’t be there the Internet revolution since 1980?
    Answer: Telecom and Internet is the same, depending on where one draws the line
    Telco industry was long a connectivity and systems industry; trend now points towards a service industry
    Key enablers, mobile networks, cloud, (one more)
    About Ericsson in this industry: 2.5B subscribers over, 33K patents, 1.2B subscribers over networks managed by Ericsson
    Day Two
    Keynote by James CTO of Korea Telecom
    Korea is the global testbed for novel ICT technologies, products, and services
    Trends in Networks: Vendor-independent equipment vy standardized open interface (SDN), time-to-market
    Trends in Platforms: HTML-5, Firefox-OS, N-Screen services
    Trends in Services: Effortless interaction, wearable devices and sensors

    Presenting MCN at the EU-Korea Workshop

    Invited to the „Korea-EU Workshop: Exploring common research interests in the Future Internet“, 30 September, 1st and 2nd of October 2013

    This event follows the 2012 ISTAG report having identified Korea as a relevant third country to jointly perform targeted research in the field of Future Internet. It also benefits from the fact that both Korea and the EU have started focused programmatic initiatives in the Future Internet domain. The purpose of this workshop is consequently: In the short term, to identify Korean and EU projects with similar scopes and objectives to favour „twinning“ and information exchanges for the mutual benefits of the running activities; in the medium term, to identify a limited and focused set of research issues of common interests in the two regions which could form the basis of specific joint research in the various upcoming implementations of the Horizon 2020 research programme.

    There is an extensive track on „Innovative Internet Architectures“, and this is a perfect place to present „Mobile Cloud Networking„.

    Talk: OpenStack Technology and Ecosystem, Datacenter Dynamics Converged 2013

    Was invited to talk at Datacenter Dynamics Converged 2013.

    DC Dynamics 2013

    Very interesting conference, indeed. Latest trends, issues, solutions, hard and software based around Data Centers – all from the perspective of Data Center Operators.

    Cloud Computing in this case is the workload and there was frequent mentioning of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM), a topic that we, the ICCLab, address in our new project GEYSER from an integrated Cloud Computing and Energy Efficiency perspective. This is a hot (pun?) topic these days and I am quite keen to see substance around this. Can’t tell much more at this stage, but with GEYSER and a new and excellent chap joining our team for that topic we should have all things together.

    Here are the slides of the talk for download.

    Talking at The Second National Conference on Cloud Computing and Commerce

    Topic: Most likely about Design for Dependability in the Cloud.

    About the Event: The Second National Conference on Cloud Computing and Commerce

    The Second National Conference on Cloud Computing and Commerce (NC4) is a free national conference on cloud computing and commerce taking place on Tuesday, 16th April at Dublin City University. The conference comprises three sessions, 8 tracks and a plenary featuring presentations and panel discussions from over 30 business leaders and experts on cloud computing. Attendees are welcome to register for individual tracks and/or the plenary.

    The conference is organised by Techspectations and the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce both located at DCU Business School. The event brings together industry and academic experts to discuss how cloud technologies can address business problems and drive value. NC4 is designed to raise further awareness of the role that cloud computing can play in helping to drive economic growth, support job creation and to deliver savings and efficiencies in the public and private sector in Ireland.