Archiv für den Monat: April 2012

Call for Presentations „Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet“

We would like to announce the 7th Workshop (Fachgespraech) on Next Generation Service Delivery Platforms, “Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet”, of the GI/ITG specialist group on Communications and Distributed Systems „Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (KuVS)“.

October 2012, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur, Switzerland

As the formerly divided Telco and IT industry continues to converge in the “Future Internet”, demand for “Cloud-based Service Platforms” is sharply rising. This important topic is thus made subject of this workshop and presentations are welcome in any domain related to cloud-based service delivery, that is service delivery and cloud hosting technology that adopts, exploits, consumes, or provides any kind of cloud attributes.
It is the objective of this series of workshops to support intense discussions among researchers from industry and academia in this challenging area gluing together applications and different network types.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
On-demand, elastic, and metered computing and service delivery
Software-as-a-service, Platform-as-service, Storage as a service, Data-as-a-Service, Process-as-a-Service
Cloud computing programming and application development
Trust, privacy, and security for clouds and cloud-based service platforms
Cloud and service platform performance (QoS, power-efficiency, load balancing, etc)
Cloud and services SLAs, business models and pricing policies, subscription model
Enabling virtualization and hosting technologies, novel data centers and nano-centers concepts and technologies
Orchestration and composition of services and applications hosted in data centers and clouds
Pre-packaged applications and services hosted in the cloud, licensing and support policies
Novel cloud-based applications and services
Mobile cloud computing
Test-beds, pilots, and field trials, standardization and regulatory issues

Important Dates and Submission Information:
August 12, 2012: Deadline for Abstracts (2-3 pages max)
September 14, 2012: Notification of acceptance
October 2012: Workshop in Winterthur
September 20, 2012: Register via email
Paper submission and registration:
Language is English

Local (Swiss) Chairs
T. M. Bohnert and G. Baudinot (ZHAW), T. Braun (Uni Bern), B. Stiller (Uni Zurich), B. Plattner (ETH)

Steering Board
Dr. Heinrich Arnold, Deutsche Telekom AG – Laboratories, Germany, Dr. Wolfgang Kellerer, DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH, Germany, Prof. Dr. Thomas Magedanz, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, Dr. Karsten Schröder, Telefonica o2 Germany, Prof. Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, USA, Dr. Steffen Weichselbaum, Vodafone D2 GmbH, Germany

Proud Sponsors