Archiv für den Monat: September 2011

Public Access to FI-WARE Available


The FI-WARE project, Technology Foundation of the Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership (FI-PPP), has established procedures and tools to get in touch for any matter, no matter of public or private interest. A detailed How-To for issuing a ticket for „General Support“ via a FusionForge tracker system can be found at the FI-WARE Wiki.

To cut short klick here for direct access to the tutorial„.

On CEO Essentials

2011-09-Newsweek_Romano_RomneyAn excellent article by A. Romano about Mitt Romney („Can Mitt Make the Sale“) in the Newsweek magazine (October 3, Vol 14). Fine piece right in time (or did you know the guy?). Lots of theoretical background combined with a sound discussion on „essentials for presidential candidates“ and how such relate to MR; or rather not.

At one point Romano elaborates on distinguishing leadership skills and cites Michael Maccoby, an Oxford psychoanalyst, who puts the difference of a CEO and what he calls a Marketing Leader in one punching paragraph. Check it out.

Talking about Cloud Networking at the 27th Meeting of Wireless World Research Forum

A first, stable draft of the Net!Works ETP expert group on Cloud Networking is ready for public release. The content, „Research Recomendations on Networking for Cloud Computing“ (final title tbd), will be presented at the upcoming 27th Meeting of the Wireless World Research Forum.

My slides and the proceedings are available for download: (slides) and (proceedings).

The paper will soon be accessible on the ETP Net!Works homepage.

A Simple Android Project – Bin2Dec Converter

For some demonstration purposes I developed an Android/Java-based Bin2Dec Converter. The program illustrates Java IF/ELSE structures and was designed using Nassi-Shneider diagrams. The initial case, user requirements, and the final design plus some background information on NS-diagrams can be found here Bin2Dec Converter: Requirements and Design

The application can be downloaded here: Android Bin2Dec Converter Android APK.

Datacenter Network Design

The Funkschau special edition „Datacenter 2011“ features an article about *server access technologies* (network design) within datacenters. The author elaborates on pros/cons of ToR vs EoR/MoR designs. Having read a couple of papers about this topic, to me, Top-or-Rack (ToR) seemed to be de-facto industry standard. Apparently, this is not the case.

Browsing the Web for some additional info I came across an excellent source on the overall topic (networks/datacenters/cloud computing/etc). Check, for instance, ToR vs EoR for a lengthy discussion on datacenter network design choices.

Another good source on the same / a similar topic

Cloud Computing in Switzerland

Cloud computing seems to gain momentum in Switzerland.

Cloud Sigma. A CC start-up located in Zurich offering innovative IaaS.

Swiss EuroCloud
Swiss ICT CC Study Group

Read-worthy resources about CC in Switzerland.

EuroCloud Swiss Leitfaden Cloud Computing
Govermental adoption of CC in CH
IMAS report about CC in DACH
Computerworld: Cloud Computing in CH
IT Magazine: Cloud Computing in CH
ZHAW IT-Sourcing Studie 2011
Swiss ICT CC Publications
Cloud Research 2012

ICTurkey 2011: International Partnering and Collaboration Event in ICT



Will be talking about FI-WARE and the FI-PPP at the ICTurkey event 2011.

Certainly a good time to talk. The project is getting in shape and partner contributions (to Generic Enablers and related Assets) are getting more concrete. First signs for potential FI-WARE Open Call topics are slowly showing up. Definitively worth to keep an eye on.

The slides are available for download: FI-WARE Open Calls