Archiv der Kategorie: Computer Science

Keynote at the 20 th ICIN Conference Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks

Will deliver a Keynote at the prestigious ICIN Conference, this year in Paris.

ICIN 2017 in Paris – Register now on

Since 1989 the ICIN conferences have been bringing together leading internet and telecom experts from industry, universities and government worldwide. ICIN operates on a rigorous peer review process and has an enviable track record of identifying key technology and service trends – and analyzing their impact on business models – before they become widely recognized. ICIN conferences cover both technology and business issues. ICIN is well-known for thought-provoking presentations of the highest quality on emerging technology, architecture, and industry trends impacting intelligent communications services. the Conference will have these technical tracks:

  • Network and Service IT-zation – Chair Akihiro Nakao (University of Tokyo, Japan)
  • Internet of Things – Chair Luigi Atzori (University of Cagliari, Italy)
  • Actionable Big Data and Artificial Intelligence – Chair Corrado Moiso (TIM, Italy)
  • Control Orchestration and Management and Policy – Chair Diego Lopez (TID, Spain)
  • Demo and Poster sessions

ICIN 2017 Keynote speakers are all well-known and recognized leaders of our domain:

  • Marie-Paule Odini (HPE, France) – NFV evolution towards 5G
  • Stephen TERRILL (Ericsson, Spain) – Multi-Domain Orchestration and Automation
  • Marina Thottan (Nokia, USA) – Programmable Network Operating System : Creating the Network Brain;
  • Chih-Lin I (China-Mobile, China) – The Perfect Storm: IT+CT+DT
  • Thomas Michael Bohnert (ZHAW, Switzerland) – Cloud Robotics

The entire Conference Program is available here

Ain’t no a fan of Steve Jobs. But in this he’s damn right.


Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them; disagree with them; glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

~ Steve Jobs, inspired by Jack Kerouac

Talk at the FUSECO Forum Asia 2014

09:30-10:30 Session 4: Future Internet Technologies and Enablers as Foundation for Smart Cities at the FUSECO Forum Asia 2014
Chairs: Florian Schreiner, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany; Prof. Serge dida, Lip6 Paris, France.

  1. „FIWARE – A European Perspective on enabling Future Internet and Smart Cities“, T.M. Bohnert, ZHAW on behalf of Telefonica, Spain
  2. „Innovative eHealth Services on top of the emerging European Smart City Enabler Infrastructure“, Dr. S. Covaci, TU Berlin, Germany
  3. Q&A Panel


Running a WordPress-based Backup of your Blog in the RHCloud

The OpenShift-based RH-Cloud offers a whole variety of free services as part of the RHCloud community program. Among this list is cloud-based WordPress hosting.

After playing around for a while I was asking myself if it would be possible to run a backup of this blog ( in the RHCloud. Idea was to instantiate a WordPress instance in the cloud and to automatically push content from this, my original blog (hosted by, for way too poor value-for-money, classic-lock-in) to the RHCloud-based clone whenever a new post comes up.

Installing the WordPress instance on top of the RHCloud services is trivial; it took less than 5m, most of which was required to find a proper name for the blog ( It’s a true one-click-wordpress experience.

Another 5m later, the existing content was exported from and imported to, using the standard WP export/import plugin.

In order to push content automatically from the RHCloud-based WP-instance a content push plugin seemed to be the proper tool. There are quite a few of them available. A choice had to be made, between the  NextScripts Social Networks Auto-Poster and Push-Syndication Plugins. Eventually, the former seemed to be the one powerful and at the same time more intuitive to use.

Conclusion. It took ~30m, from account registration, WP-installation, content export-import, plugin installation and configuration over writing of this post to  have a fully-functional WP-clone in the RHCloud.



EUCNC 2014 workshop: Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services (MCIS)

Workshop Motivation and Background

This workshop addresses the three main topics that are significant for the realization of the Future Internet Architecture, which are the Mobile Networking, Network Function Virtualization and Service Virtualization.

While mobile communication networks have been established decades ago and are still continuously evolving, cloud computing and cloud services became a hot topic in recent years and is expected to have significant impact on novel applications as well as on ICT infrastructures. Cloud computing and mobile communication networks have been considered separate from each other in the past. However, there are various possible synergies between them. This trend supports the use of cloud computing infrastructures as processing platforms for signal and protocol processing of mobile communication networks, in particular for current (4G) and future (5G) generation networks. This enables several opportunities to optimize performance of cloud applications and services observed by mobile users, whose devices are connected to the cloud via wireless access networks. This trend is also in line with the emerging ETSI activities in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). The “Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services” workshop focuses on the thematic area that the EU project MCN is concentrating on and is addressing emerging technologies in cloud services and mobile communication infrastructures. Emphasis will be put on possible integration scenarios and synergies between them.

Workshop Structure
Based on the successful format of the FUNEMS 2013, “Mobile Cloud Networking and Edge ICT “ workshop, we plan to have a good mix of invited keynote talks from key participants in the EU FP7 projects MCN, iJOIN, CONENT and FLAMINGO and peer-reviewed abstracts of the papers to be presented. Moreover, the panel organized in 2013 was highly appreciated by the participants and therefore is proposed to be part of the program in 2014. The speakers of the workshop will form the panel. During the panel session, the presented papers will be used as the starting point for the panel discussions. The programme associated with this workshop is as follows:

Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services session (200 minutes + 30 minutes break), Chair Thomas Michael Bohnert (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)

  • Thomas Michael Bohnert (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Welcome speech: EU FP7 Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN) (15 minutes)
  • Anna Tzanakaki (University of Bristol) (Invited paper), Title of invited speech: “EU FP7 CONTENT: Virtualizing converged network infrastructures in support of mobile cloud services” (15 minutes)
  • Peter Rost (NEC) (Invited paper), Title of invited speech: “EU FP7 iJOIN: Benefits and challenges of cloud technologies for ‘5G” (15 minutes)
  • Filip De Turck (University of Gent) (Invited paper), Title of invited speech: “EU FP7 FLAMINGO: Network monitoring in virtualized environments” (15 minutes)
  • Joao Soares (Portugal Telecom Inovacao), Andy Edmonds (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Giada Landi (Nextworks), Luigi Grossi (Telecom Italia), Julius Mueller (Fraunhofer FOKUS), Frank Zdarsky (NEC Laboratories Europe), Title of presentation: “Cloud computing and SDN networking for end to end virtualization in cloud-based LTE systems” (20 minutes)
  • Desislava Dimitrova (University of Bern), Lucio S. Ferreira (INOV-INESC | IST), André Gomes (University of Bern | One Source, Consultoria Informática Lda.), Navid Nikaein (EURECOM), Alexander Georgiev (CloudSigma), Anna Pizzinat (Orange), Title of presentation: “Challenges ahead of RAN virtualization” (20 minutes)

Coffee Break (30 minutes)

  • Tarik Taleb (NEC Laboratories Europe), Marius Corici (Fraunhofer FOKUS), Carlos Parada (Portugal Telecom Inovacao), Almerima Jamakovic (University of Bern), Simone Ruffino (Telecom Italia), Georgios Karagiannis (University of Twente), Morteza Karimzadeh (University of Twente), Thomas Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS), Title of presentation: “Virtualizing the LTE Evolved Packet Core (EPC)” (20 minutes)
  • André Gomes (University of Bern | One Source, Consultoria Informática Lda.), Santiago Ruiz (Soft Telecom), Giuseppe Carella (TU Berlin / Fraunhofer FOKUS), Paolo Comi (Italtel), Paolo Secondo Crosta (Italtel), Title of presentation: “Cloud-based Orchestration of Multimedia Services and Applications” (20 minutes)

Panel discussions (60 minutes)

Previous Editions

The previous edition of this workshop was entitled: “Mobile Cloud Networking and Edge ICT Services”, and it has been organized during the FUNEMS 2013, The duration of the workshop was half a day and has been organised in two sessions. The current edition of this workshop will focus mainly only on one of these sessions, “Mobile Cloud Infrastructures and Services”. The workshop was successful and attracted a relatively high number of attendees compared to other parallel workshops. 25- 50 participants have been permanently in the room at the Mobile Cloud Networking and Edge ICT Services 2013.

Workshop Audience

The target audience will be the telecommunication infrastructures and cloud computing research and industry communities, with an emphasis on European FP7 project involved researchers and organizations. The workshop organizers are participating among others in the EU FP7 IP projects: Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN), CONTENT, iJOIN, FLAMINGO and in Standardization Bodies such as Open Networking Foundation and ETSI NFV (Network Function Virtualisation). It is therefore expected that a significant part of the audience and participants will be the communities involved in Standardization Bodies such as Open Networking Foundation and ETSI NFV and the EU FP7 projects that are and will be cooperating with the EU FP7 IP project “Mobile Cloud Networking” (MCN).

ITU Telecom World 2013 – Mobile Cloud Networking Session – Outcomes

About the Mobile Cloud Networking Session. In association with the Mobile Cloud Networking project.


Mobile Cloud Networks combine mobile communications with computing to run network functions in the cloud, enabling new business models at the inflection point between mobile and internet technologies. Running mobile network functions in the cloud reduces costs, and provides elasticity, scalability, on-demand provisioning, calibration and better performance. Operators need to invest in research and human capacity, innovating to create value in-house on this new platform, developing new apps and protocols without being locked in to equipment so is now, to manufacturers. avoid the risk of The losing time market to do space as cloud computing providers begin to move into networks the fusion of telecommunications and IT is not a one-way street.

The full report can be found here



VirtualBox tutorial dedicated to the creation of an distributed environment for Java developing

This VirtualBox tutorial is about the creation of an distributed environment for Java developing. Background is, that I am teaching Advanced Java Programming (named PROG2 at ZHAW). Topics of the PROG2 lecture are:

  1. Multi-Threading (Basic and Advanced Threading Concepts)
  2. Input/Output (JDBC, File-IO, TPC/UDP, Client-Server)
  3. Testing (Mockups, Mokito)
  4. Graphical User Interfaces (Swing/AWT/Android)

Motivations for this tutorial do exist many, but the first and foremost was the desire to test networked Java applications in a (close to real) distributed environment.

Basic System Layout
The basic setup is inspired by the virtual environment proposed for a local OpenStack deployment, described in detail in tutorial „Creating a VirtualBox-based Test Infrastructure„. It consists of:

  1. One Master Node (aka Controller Node)
  2. Two Worker Nodes (Compute Nodes)

Basic System Configuration

  1. Hardware: VT Enabled PC
  2. Host Operating Systems: OpenSuse
  3. Virtualization: VirtualBox
  4. Virtual Networking: Host only connections. a VirtualBox concept for providing purely internal networks between your host and Virtual Machines
  5. Guest Operating Systems: Ubuntu Server (LTS or not doesn’t make a difference here)

Hardware Support for Virtualization
Whether or not your local host machine provides hardware support for Virtualization Technologies (VT, vmx or svm) can be found out by running this command in a terminal „cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -E „vmx|svm““. Here is what I got on my Dell Ultrabook (VMX support is indicated in bold)

tmb@tmbuell:~> cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -E „vmx|svm“
flags : fpu vme de (…) eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est (…) flags : fpu vme de pse tsc (…) ds_cpl vmx smx est flags : fpu vme de pse (…) monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 (…) bmi2 ms invpcid rtm flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr (…) monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3

The Guest OS
tmb@tmbuell:~> less /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 13.1 (x86_64)
VERSION = 13.1
# /etc/SuSE-release is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use /etc/os-release instead

Virtualization based on VirtualBox
Installing VirtualBox on OpenSuse is trivial using zypper and a terminal:
tmb@tmbuell:~> zypper install virtualbox
zypper search virtualbox
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Summary | Type
i | python-virtualbox | Python bindings for virtualbox | package
i | virtualbox | VirtualBox is an Emulator | package
| virtualbox | VirtualBox is an Emulator | srcpackage
i | virtualbox-devel | Devel files for virtualbox | package
| virtualbox-guest-kmp-default | Guest kernel modules for VirtualBox | ackage
i | virtualbox-guest-kmp-desktop | Guest kernel modules for VirtualBox | package
| virtualbox-guest-kmp-pae | Guest kernel modules for VirtualBox | package
i | virtualbox-guest-tools | VirtualBox guest tools | package
i | virtualbox-guest-x11 | VirtualBox X11 drivers for mouse and video | package
| virtualbox-host-kmp-default | Host kernel module for VirtualBox | package
i | virtualbox-host-kmp-desktop | Host kernel module for VirtualBox | package
| virtualbox-host-kmp-pae | Host kernel module for VirtualBox | package
i | virtualbox-qt | Qt GUI part for virtualbox | package
| virtualbox-websrv | WebService GUI part for virtualbox | package

Viruaal Machine Creation and Configuration
The selected environment requires the creation of several VMs, whereas most of them do share the same basic characteristics and configuration. A smart approach is to configure and then to use „Cloning“ to create duplicates.

Since we’ll have several VMs that are associated with each other we have to configure a set of Virtual Networks. For that launch Virtual Box, navigate to File>Preferences>Network. Then choose the option to add „Host-Only Networks“. Create three Host-Only Network Connections; Vboxnet0-Vboxnet2.

Configure Vboxnet0 with IPv4 Address and IPv4 Network Mask, Vboxnet1 with IPv4 Address and IPv4 Network Mask, and Vboxnet2 IPv4 Address and IPv4 Network Mask

Stay Tuned, More To Come On
Network Configuration, SSH Access, Port Forwarding, Guest installation, Sharing between Guests and Guest, and Guest and Hosts (Shared Folder, USB, SFTP), Guest Additions, Java installation, Git and GitHub