
Special Issues and Guest Editorials

  1. H. Sharif, M. Hempel, B. Blobel, TM Bohnert, A. Khoynezhad, Special Issue in IEEE Wireless Communications, ”Wireless Networking for e-Health Applications”, Aug 2013
  2. TM Bohnert, P. Robinson, M. Devetsikiotis, B. Callaway, G. Michailidis, D. Trossen, Special Issue in Journal of Internet Engineering, ”Service-Oriented Infrastructure”, Mar 2010
  3. TM Bohnert, Y. Zhang, D. Moltchanov, G. Fodor, E. Knightly, Guest Editorial in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, ”Broadband Wireless Access”, Hindawi Publishing, Fall 2009
  4. VCM Leung, AG Burr, L. Song, Y. Zhang, TM Bohnert, Guest Editorial in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, ”OFDMA Architectures, Protocols, and Applications”, Hindawi Publishing, Feb 2009
  5. E. Cerqueira, F. Boavida, TM Bohnert, ”Future Multimedia Networking (Special Issue) – Vol. 1”, Special Issue of the International Journal of Internet Protocol (IJIPT), Vol. 1, Aug 2009
  6. E. Cerqueira, F. Boavida, TM Bohnert, ”Future Multimedia Networking (Special Issue) – Vol. 2”, Special Issue of the International Journal of Internet Protocol (IJIPT), Vol. 2, Aug 2009
  7. TM Bohnert, G. Fodor, D. Staehle, Guest Editorial in ELSEVIER Computer Communications, ”Broadband Wireless Access: Selected papers of the IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop co-located with IEEE ICC 2008”, Elsevier, Oct 2008

Books and Book Chapters

  1. A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, C. Marti, “Cloud Standards”, Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing, Mar 2016
  2. J. Soriano, C. Heitz, HP Hutter, R Fernandez, JJ Hierro, J. Vogel, A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, “Internet of Services”, Evolution of Telecommunication Services. The Convergence of Telecom and Internet: Technologies and Ecosystems, Springer, Nov 2013
  3. A. Jamakovic, TM Bohnert, G. Karagiannis, “Mobile Cloud Networking: Mobile Network, Compute, and Storage as One Service On-Demand”, Future Internet Assembly 2013: 356-358, May 2013
  4. E. Osipov, A. Kassler, TM Bohnert, X. Masip-Bruin, “Wired/Wireless Internet Communications”, Proceedings 8th International Conference WWIC 2010, Springer 2010
  5. P. Neves, S. Sargento, F. Fontes, TM Bohnert, J. Monteiro, “Quality of Service Differentiation in WiMAX Networks”, in “Trends in Telecommunications Technologies”, InterTech Publications, Mar 2010
  6. TM Bohnert, “Web-based Service Economies and the Future Internet”, Future Networks, the Way Ahead, European Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate General Future Networks Unit, Jan 2010
  7. TM Bohnert, D. Staehle, E. Monteiro, “Speech Quality Aware Resource Control for Fixed and Mobile WiMAX” in “Evolving WiMAX: Emerging Technologies, New Scenarios and Innovative Business Applications”, Wiley, Feb 2009
  8. H. v.d. Berg, TM Bohnert, O. Cabral, D. Moltchanov, D. Staehle, F. Velez, “Performance Evaluation and Traffic Modelling” in “Traffic and QoS Management in Multimedia Networks: COST290 Final Report”, Springer, Feb 2009
  9. G. S. Paschos, I. Papapanagiotou, TM Bohnert, “Power Saving Mechanisms in 802.16/802.16e” in “WiMAX Network Planning and Optimization”, Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, May 2009
  10. K. Al-Begain, TM Bohnert, et al (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, Sep 2008
  11. Y. Koucheryavy, A. Vinel, H. Aghvami, F. Marvasti, M. Daneshmand, M. Dohler, D. Staehle, TM Bohnert, D. Tkachenko, E. Osipov (Eds.), “2008 15th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2008 and MACOM 2008 Workshop Proceedings”, IEEE Computer Society Press, Jun 2008
  12. K. Al-Begain, TM Bohnert (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, Sep 2007
  13. TM Bohnert, E. Koerner, IPv6 Forschungsbericht (IPv6 research report), Annual research report of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Nov 2003

Journals and Magazines

  1. I. Trajkovska, MA Kourtis, C. Sakkas, D. Baudinot, J. Silva, P. Harsh, G Xylouris, TM Bohnert, H. Koumaras, “SDN-based Service Function Chaining Mechanism and Service Prototype Implementation in NFV Scenario”, ELSEVIER Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, Feb 2017
  2. G. Toffetti, S. Brunner, M. Bloechinger, TM Bohnert, “Self-managing cloud-native applications: Design, implementation, and experience”, ELSEVIER Journal of Future Computer Systems, Sept 2016
  3. B. Sousa, L. Cordeiro, P. Simões, A. Edmonds, S. Ruiz, G. Garella, M. Corici, N. Nikaen, A. Gomes, E. Schiller, T. Braun, TM Bohnert, “Towards a fully cloudified mobile network infrastructure”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Aug 2016
  4. J. Fajardo, F. Liberal,  I. Giannoulakis, E. Kafetzakis, V. Pii, I. Trajkovska, TM Bohnert, L. Goratti, R. Riggio, J. Garcia, LS Khodashenas, M. Paolino, P. Bliznakov,
  5. J. Perez-Romero, C. Meani, I. Chochliouros, M. Belesioti, “Introducing Mobile Edge Computing Capabilities through Distributed 5G Cloud Enabled Small Cells”, Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications: Vol 21 Issue 4, Aug 2016
  6. K. Benz, TM Bohnert, “Elastic Scaling of Cloud Application Performance Based on Western Electric Rules by Injection of Aspect-oriented Code”, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 61, p.198-205, Elsevier, Nov 2015
  7. X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, LZ Zheng, TM Bohnert, ”Resource allocation for relay-assisted OFDMA systems using inter-cell interference coordination”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Dec 2012
  8. X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Qin, GS Kuo, TM Bohnert, ”Adaptive QoS provision for IEEE 802.16 e BWA networks based on cross-layer design”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Dec 2011
  9. M. Loesch, M. Miche, F. Kaspar, M. Brogle, TM Bohnert, “Vehicle-to-Business Communication: Enabling Web Services for High-Scalable Communication Infrastructures in Mobile Bandwidth-Limited Networks”, Computer Science Journal, Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Oct 2010
  10. M. Miche, TM Bohnert, “The Internet of Vehicles or the Second Generation of Telematic Services”, Special Theme: Future Internet Technology, ERCIM News, Apr 2009
  11. TM Bohnert, Y. Koucheryavy, M. Katz, J. Jakubiak, E. Borcoci, E. Monteiro “Network Simulation and Performance Evaluation of WiMAX Extensions for Isolated Research Data Networks”, IEEE Journal on Communication Software and Systems, Oct 2008
  12. TM Bohnert, M. Castrucci, N. Ciulli, G. Landi, I. Marchetti, C. Nardini, B. Sousa, P. Neves, P. Simoes, “Architectural Solution for QoS Management in a WiMAX Network” (extended version), Journal for Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press  (ISSN: 1574-017X), Oct 2008
  13. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, “Multi-Class Measurement Based Admission Control for a QoS Framework with Dynamic Resource Management”, Journal for Network and System Management, Springer, Jun 2007
  14. TM Bohnert, E. Koerner “In den Startlöchern – Erfahrungen des IPv6 Showcase” (Ready for deployment – Experiences with the IPv6 Showcase), NET, Magazine for Communication Technologies, Nov 2003

Conference Publications

  1. G. Toffetti, T. Lötscher, S. Kenzhegulov, J. Spillner, TM Bohnert, „Cloud Robotics: SLAM and Autonomous Exploration on PaaS“, 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2017
  2. B. Meszaros, P. Harsh, TM Bohnert, „DISCO: Distributed Computing as a Service“, 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2017
  3. J. Carapinha, J. Bonnet, B. Parreira, J. Silva, I. Trajkovska, TM Bohnert, G. Xilouris, MA Kourtis, C. Sakkas, „Deployment of virtual network functions over multiple WAN interconnected PoPs“,  2017 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 2017
  4. M. Skoviera, M. Perez, P. Harsh, TM. Bohnert, „Monetization of Infrastructures and Services“ EuCNC 2017
  5. F. Faul, R. Arizcorreta, F. Dudouet, TM Bohnert, “Application Splitting in the Cloud: A Performance Study”, 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2016
  6. A. Edmonds, G. Carella, FZ Yousaf, C. Goncalves, TM Bohnert, T. Metsch, P. Bellavista, L. Foschini, “An OCCI-compliant framework for fine-grained resource-aware management in Mobile Cloud Networking”, ISCC 2016
  7. E. Cau, M. Corici, P. Bellavista, L. Foschini, G. Carella, A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, “Efficient exploitation of mobile edge computing for virtualized 5G in EPC architectures”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering, Apr 2016
  8. J. Spillner, M. Beck, A. Schill, TM Bohnert, “Stealth Databases: Ensuring User-Controlled Queries in Untrusted Cloud Environments”, 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Dec 2015
  9. S. Brunner, M. Blöchlinger, G. Toffetti, J. Spillner, TM Bohnert, “Experimental Evaluation of the Cloud-Native Application Design”, 4th International Workshop on Clouds and (eScience) Application Management (CloudAM), Dec 2015
  10. S. Patanjali, B. Truninger, P. Harsh, TM Bohnert, “Cyclops: Rating, Charging & Billing framework for cloud”, The 13th international conference on Telecommunications, Sep 2015
  11. P. Harsh, TM Bohnert, “DISCO: Unified Provisioning of Distributed Computing Platforms in the Cloud”, In proceedings of 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Jul 2015
  12. B. Meszaros, P. Harsh, and TM Bohnert, “Lightning Sparks all around: A comprehensive analysis of popular distributed computing frameworks”, International Conference on Advances in Big Data Analytics (ABDA’15), Las Vegas, USA, Jul 2015
  13. F. Dudouet, A. Edmonds, M.l Erne, “Reliable Cloud-Applications: an Implementation through Service Orchestration”, International Workshop on Automated Incident Management in Cloud (AIMC’15), Bordeaux, France, Apr 2015
  14. G. Toffetti, S. Brunner, M. Blochinger, F. Dudouet, A. Edmonds, “An architecture for self-managing microservices”, International Workshop on Automated Incident Management in Cloud (AIMC’15), Bordeaux, France, Apr 2015
  15. S. Murphy, V. Cima, TM Bohnert, B. Grazioli, “Adding Energy Efficiency to OpenStack”, The 4th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, Madrid, Spain, Apr 2015
  16. K. Benz, TM Bohnert: “Impact of Pacemaker Failover Configuration on Mean Time to Recovery for Small Cloud Clusters. IEEE CLOUD 2014, Alaska, USA, Jun 2014
  17. V. Munteanu, A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, ”Cloud Incident Management Challenges, Research Directions and Architectural Approach”, 1st International Workshop on Cloud Automation, Intelligent Management and Scalability (CAIMS 2014), co-located with the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), London, UK, Dec 2014
  18. F. Dudouet, P. Harsh, S. Ruiz, A. Gomez, TM Bohnert, “A Case for CDN-as-Service in the Cloud: A Mobile Cloud Networking Argument”, International Symposium on Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications, and Approaches (CCA-2014), India, Sep 2014
  19. P. Harsh, K. Benz, I. Trajkovska, A. Edmonds, P. Comi, TM Bohnert, “A highly available generic billing architecture for heterogeneous mobile cloud services”, The 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, USA, Aug 2014
  20. I. Trajkovska, P. Harsh, J. Salvachua, TM Bohnert, ”Real-time Streaming in the Cloud can Increase the Provider’s Profit and the P2P Users Benefit”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics 2014, Taiwan, May 2014
  21. B. Sousa, C. Marques, D. Palma, J. Goncalves, L. Cordeiro, P. Simoes, TM Bohnert, ”Towards a High Performance DNSaaS Deployment”, 6th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, MON-AMI 2014, 2014
  22. G. Carella, M. Corici, P. Crosta, P. Comi, TM Bohnert, MJ Corici, D. Vingarzan, T. Magedanz, ”Cloudified IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) for Network Function Virtualization-based architectures”, ISCC 2014, The 19th IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications, Madeira, Portugal, Jun 2014
  23. G. Karagiannis, A. Jamakovic, K Briggs, M. Karimzadeh, C. Parada, MJ Corici, T. Taleb, A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, “Mobility and Bandwidth Prediction in Virtualized LTE Systems: Architecture and Challenges”, Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC2014), Bologna, Italy, Jun 2014
  24. O. Serhiienko, A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, ”Full-Stack Monitoring for OpenStack”, Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC2014), Bologna, Italy, Jun 2014
  25. G. Karagiannis, A. Jamakovic, A. Edmonds, C. Parada, T. Metsch, D. Pichon, M.J. Corici, S. Ruffino, A. Gomes, P. Secondo Crosta, TM Bohnert, “Mobile Cloud Networking: Virtualisation of Cellular Networks”, Proceedings of 21st  International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2014
  26. K. Benz, TM Bohnert, ”Dependability Modeling Framework: A test procedure for High Availability in Cloud Operating Systems”, IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Las Vegas, USA, Sep 2013
  27. P. Kunszt, S. Maffioletti, D. Flanders, M. Eurich, TM Bohnert, A. Edmonds, H. Stockinger, S. Haug, A. Jamakovic-Kapic, P. Flury, S. Leinen and E. Schiller, ”Towards a Swiss National Research Infrastructure”, FedICI 2013, Aachen, Germany, Aug 2013
  28. K. Benz, TM Bohnert, “Dependability Modeling Framework: A test procedure for High Availability in Cloud Operating Systems”, IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Las Vegas, USA, Sep 2013
  29. D. Stroppa, A. Edmonds, TM Bohnert, “Reliability and Performance for OpenStack through SmartOS”, 8th Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme Fachgespräch (Communication and Distributed Systems Workshop), Königswinter, Germany, Apr 2013
  30. E. Escalona, S. Peng, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, JA Garcia-Espin, J. Ferrer, S. Figuerola, G. Landi, N. Ciulli, J. Jimenez, B. Belter, Y. Demchenko, C. Laat, X. Chen, A. Yukan, S. Soudan, P. Vicat-Blanc, J. Buysse, M. Leenheer, C. Develder, A. Tzanakaki, P. Robinson, M. Brogle, TM Bohnert, “GEYSERS: A Novel Architecture for Virtualization and Co-Provisioning of Dynamic Optical Networks and IT Services”, Future Networks and Mobile Summit 2011, Warsaw, Poland, Jun 2011
  31. TM Bohnert, N. Ciulli, S. Figuerola, P. Vicat-Blanc Primet, D. Simeonidou, “Optical Networking for Cloud Computing”, IEEE OFC 2011, Los Angeles, USA, Mar 2011
  32. M. Miche, T. Bauer, M. Brogle, TM Bohnert, “An In-Vehicle Quality of Service Message Broker for Vehicle-to-Business Communication”, ERCIM eMobility Workshop co-located with WWIC 2010, Jun 2010
  33. M. Biancani, TM Bohnert, N. Ciulli, S. Figuerola, D. Simeonidou “Generalized Architecture For Dynamic Infrastructure Services (GEYSERS)”, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2010, Florence, Italy, Jun 2010
  34. M. Biancani, TM Bohnert, N. Ciulli, S. Figuerola, D. Simeonidou, “Generalized Infrastructure-as-a-Service for Public Cloud Computing”, ETSI Workshop on Future Network Technologies, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France, Mar 2010
  35. O. Baecker, M. Miche, TM Bohnert, “Vehicle-to-Business Communication: The Example of Claims Assistance in Motor Insurance”, Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010, Goettingen, Germany, Feb 2010
  36. A. Tomatis, M. Miche, F. Haeusler, M. Lenardi, TM Bohnert, I. Radusch, “A Test Architecture for V-2-X Cooperative Systems Field Operational Tests”, 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Lille, France, Oct 2009
  37. TM Bohnert, “Comments on the Evolution of the Future Internet”, 9th Wuerzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop “Visions of Future Generation Networks” (EuroView2009), Wuerzburg, Germany, July 2009
  38. V. Trifa, S. Wieland, D. Guinard, TM Bohnert, “Design and Implementation of a Gateway for Web-based Interaction and Management of Embedded Devices”, 2nd International Workshop on Sensor Network Engineering (IWSNE’09) co-located with the 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing In Sensor Systems (DCOSS’09), Marina Del Rey, USA, Jun 2009
  39. M. Bechler, TM Bohnert, S. Cosenza, A. Festag, M. Gerlach, D. Seeberger, “Evolving The European Its Architecture For Car-To-X Communication”, 16th Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, Sep 2009
  40. H. Zhang, G.S. Kuo, TM Bohnert, “Cooperative Diversity for Virtual MIMO System in the Presence of Spatial Correlated Fading Model”, 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2008-Fall, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Sep 2008
  41. JDM. Monteiro, P. Neves, TM Bohnert, S. Sargento, F. Fontes, “Quality of Service Differentiation in WiMAX Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications 2008 (ICT’08), St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun 2008
  42. G. S. Paschos, P. Mannersalo, TM Bohnert, “Cell capacity for IEEE 802.16 Coverage Extension”, 2nd IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop, co-located with IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, IEEE CCNC’08, Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2008
  43. TM Bohnert, D. Staehle, G.S. Kuo, Y. Koucheryavy, E. Monteiro, “Speech Quality Aware Downlink Admission Control for Fixed IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN”, IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008
  44. TM Bohnert, M. Castrucci, N. Ciulli, G. Landi, I. Marchetti, C. Nardini, “Architectural Solution for QoS Management in a WiMAX Network”, Second International Workshop on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications, BWCCA-2007, Jakarta, Indonesia, Dec 2007
  45. N. Ciulli, G. Landi, M. Curado, G. Leao, TM Bohnert, F. Mitrano, C. Nardini, G. Tamea, “A QoS Model based on NSIS signaling applied to IEEE 802.16 networks”, 2nd IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop, Co-located with IEEE CCNC’08, Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2008
  46. TM Bohnert, J. Jakubiak, M. Katz, Y. Koucheryavy, E. Monteiro, E. Borcoci, “On Evaluating a WiMAX Access Network for Isolated Research and Data Networks using NS-2″, 7th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking NEW2AN 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia, Sep 2007
  47. P. Neves, P. Simoes, A. Gomes, L. Mario, S. Sargento, F. Fontes, E. Monteiro, TM Bohnert, “WiMAX for Emergency Services: An Empirical Evaluation”, 1st Broadband Wireless Access Workshop, Cardiff, UK, Sep 2007
  48. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, M. Curado, A. Fonte, Y. Koucheryavy, D. Moltchanov, M. Ries, “Internet Quality of Service: A Bigger Picture”, 1st OpenNet Workshop “Service Quality and IP Network Business: Filling the Gap”, Diegem, Belgium, Mar 2007
  49. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, Y. Koucheryavy D. Moltchanov, “Non-Parametric and Self-Tuning Measurement-based Admission Control”, IFIP Networking 2007, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 2007
  50. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, “On Autonomic QoS Provisioning for VOIP Services”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, IEEE CCNC’07, Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2007
  51. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, “A Modular Architecture for Measurement Based Admission Control”, IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct 2005
  52. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, “A Comment on Simulating LRD Traffic with Pareto ON/OFF Sources”, in Proceedings of the CoNEXT 2005, CoNEXT 2005 – First International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies, Toulouse, France, Oct 2005
  53. TM Bohnert, E. Monteiro, “Measurement Based Admission Control for a Class-based QoS Framework”, in Proceedings of the LANOMS 2005, LANOMS 2005 – 4th Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Aug 2005 (Best Paper Award)
  54. T. Melia, R. Schmitz, TM Bohnert, “TCP and UDP performance measurements in presence of Fast Handovers in an IPv6-based mobility environment”, World Telecommunications Congress WTC/ISS 2004, Seoul, Korea, Sep 2004


  1. T. M. Bohnert, „Advancing Measurement Based Admission Control“, Centre of Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra
  2. T. M. Bohnert, „Measurement Based Admission Control for a Class Based QoS Framework“, Centre of Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra, January 2005

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