The 1st Workshop on Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN 2013) will be held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013 (ICC 2013) on June 9-13, 2013, in Budapest, Hungary, see also:
The workshop will bring together researchers, engineers and users, who are interested in future mobile telecommunication networks and/or cloud computing applications and enabling technologies. MCN will discuss recent trends in telecommunication networks and cloud computing and will in particular focus on challenges to be solved when integrating these technologies as well as possible synergies of these technologies.
Access to cloud storage and computing service via wireless/mobile networks should be optimized in terms of delay, bandwidth and energy consumption from an end user perspective. Moreover, there is an increasing trend to implement more and more functions of a mobile telecommunication network in software, e.g., for signal and protocol processing. This enables to use cloud computing infrastructures as processing platform for signal and protocol processing of mobile telecommunication networks, in particular for current and future generation mobile telecommunication networks. In particular, the integration of protocol and application/service processing allows several opportunities to optimize performance of cloud applications and services observed by the mobile user, whose device is connected to the cloud via wireless access networks.
The workshop solicits original contributions in the topics of interest for the workshop. Those topics include but are not limited to the following:
Protocols and wireless network technologies for mobile cloud applications
Network virtualization for mobile cloud networks
Energy-saving at mobile end systems in network elements supporting mobile cloud applications
Distributed mobility management, including mobility prediction
Future Internet architectures and protocols for mobile cloud computing, including content-centric / context-based networking
Network and protocol support for delay-tolerant applications
Cloud computing in opportunistic networks
Management and allocation of mobile cloud resources, including SLA management
Cloud service management and migration
Seamless handover support for mobile cloud applications
Resource and service monitoring in mobile cloud networks
Physical radio resource sharing
End-to-end performance of mobile cloud applications
Novel cloud-based implementation architectures for mobile communication networks
Quality-of-Experience in mobile cloud applications
Cloud-based applications and services for mobile users, including social networks
(Participatory) sensing and mobile cloud applications, including data aggregation
Security and privacy issues of mobile cloud computing, including authentication and authorization
Accounting and charging of mobile cloud services
Testbeds and performance evaluation for mobile cloud networking and applications
Paper Submission and Author Guidelines
Papers must be submitted via the EDAS submission site at or at by selecting the ICC’13 – IEEE ICC’13 – Workshop MCN. Please follow carefully the submission guidelines below. These are also available at IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013 (ICC 2013).
Papers should be written in English with a standard length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures, without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with extra charge if accepted). You may use the standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at Alternatively you can follow the sample instructions in template.pdf at Only PDF files are accepted for paper review. You submitted PDF file and registered EDAS account of a paper must list the same author(s), title and abstract (minor wording differences in the abstract are ok). Papers where the PDF and EDAS account do not match the author(s), title, and/or abstract will be withdrawn by the Technical Program Co-Chairs or Symposium Co-Chairs.
Important Dates
Paper Registration – January, 4th 2013
Full paper submission – January, 11th 2013
Notification – February 22th, 2013
Camera-ready papers – March 8th, 2013
Steering Committee
Thomas Michael Bohnert, ZHAW, Switzerland
Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland
Marcus Brunner, Swisscom, Switzerland
Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Georgios Karagiannis, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Workshop Chairs
Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland,
Luis M. Correia, IST-Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal,
Georgios Karagiannis, University of Twente, the Netherlands,
Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
Almerima Jamakovic-Kapic, University of Bern, Switzerland