Archiv der Kategorie: PhD

Thoughts while working towards a PhD



Caros investigadores do CISUC,

É com prazer que anuncio que o Mestre Thomas Michael Bohnert apresentou e defendeu com sucesso na passada quinta-feira, 24 de outubro, a sua tese de doutoramento, intitulada „Advancing Measurement-based Admission Control“, tendo sido aprovado por unanimidade com distinção.

Quero, assim, felicitar publicamente o novo doutor Thomas Michael Bohnert, o seu orientador, Doutor Edmundo Monteiro, o CISUC, no seio do qual foi desenvolvido o trabalho, e o DEI.

Ao Thomas Bohnert, que nos acompanhou ao longo de alguns anos, desejo as maiores felicidades.

Fernando Boavida
(Presidente do júri)

One World, one Dream

[Original Post – 10th of February 2010] Beijing Olympics 2008

One World, One Dream, the motto of the Beijing Olympics 2008; that year I spent at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Back to town for business, Beijing seems little different these days. Still as vibrant, so lively, sometimes nerve wrecking, but overall simply sensational. Just love this place. Many nice memories pop up while visiting BUPT. Went shortly to Kingdom Garden to see Joana, my at the time neighbor, over lunch. Latter off to see my felllow PhD students. Feels good to be back, thanks to all my BUPT friends; Jie & Guomei & MinXin & Hongtao!