Archiv der Kategorie: Computer Science

The 100th Anniversary Draws to an End, Quest for the Prerogative of Interpretation Continues

At December the 14th 1911, Roald Amundsen claimed victory by reaching the geographic South Pole weeks before his rival, Englishmen Robert Falcon Scott, in a race that never has been one.

Ever since the „prerogative of interpretation“ in what regards nature of the contest, as well as heroism, furtiveness, endurance, inability, virtue and candor, of its protagonists is as fiercely disputed as the original cause itself. To many Shackleton is regarded as the true leader, Amundsen the congenial perfectionist, Scott the genuine man of honor driven by finest sense of responsibility to self-abandonment. Yet there are also more critical voices, questioning Scott`s motives, background, and not least personal abilities. Others, in turn, openly condemn Amundsen not less for forcing Scott into a battle with unequal arms.

It thus comes as little to no surprise that over the course of 2011, that is 100 years later, ample documentaries, reports, and coverages of all sorts were looking back to what is know to many as the „Heroic Age of Polar Exploration“. Amongst those, however, two books will certainly stand out; „Race for the South Pole: The Expedition Diaries of Scott and Amundsen“ from Robert Huntford (published in 2010 to be precise) as well as „Pol: Hjalmar Johansens Hundejahre“ from Reinhold Messner.

The former is well-known for his harsh critics about Scott, ranging way beyond Scott himself but fundamentally addresses the British Empire and it`s desperate attempt to battle its decay. Scott, a royal navy officer with background in the lower, fading ranks of the British establishment, may thus too be seen as the prefect symptom of a hence much broader cause. And indeed, Huntford argues extensively along these lines, and so does Preston, Fiennes, Thomson, and many more. Yet non of latter so fundamentally, consequently, but also controvert as Huntford. Eventually, Huntford, which is by all accounts one of a handful persons regarded as to be a true master of this domain, may be seen as to have given in to a sense of compulsion, most notably after Ranulph Fiennes defense of Robert Falcon Scott from the perspective of a man that stood at the very same forlorn place on earth, the South Pole. And fate has it, despite being an argumentative stretch, this compulsion may indeed connect to a similar force that drove Scott. That is to remain known as a man of great ability but ill-posed achievements, evidenced by post-analytic scrutiny carried out by a set of eager scholars in quest of seizing „prerogative of interpretation“.

The author of the second book, Reinhold Messner, and Ranulph Fiennes share this unique polar experience. But Messner`s journalistic compass points to the north albeit being to the South Pole, to personal tragedy of similar sort, the life of Hjalmar Johansen. This book is (to the best of my knowledge) only the second account about the life of a man who““““““““s place in history is still to be granted. A man full of virtues at one hand, and human shortcomings and weaknesses at the other. The typical underdog, given this one and only chance, earned via uncompromised, honest endurance of inhuman hardship „Farthest North“. Ragnar jr. Kvam was first to question and revise the common perception of Hjalmar Johansen, especially in his homeland Norway, and perhaps from the perspective of a patriot. Now Reinhold Messner adds to this from his very own perspective, albeit it remains to be seen – to me – what the result will be. But no matter how positive or negative this account will eventually be, one honorable deed is that Messner popularity will draw attention to the achievements of a man that has suffered the most from being sidelined, from being left alone „In the Shade“. Regretfully, history once again proves that justice takes time, too much time in so many cases, in the case of Hjalmar Johansen, whose life found an undignified end in one of Oslo““““““““s parks, likely a place that most closely resembled the spirit way beyond Franz Joseph Land.

The interested reader may visit DIWAN, a literature review broadcast by the German radio station BR. The Dec 2011 issue featured a review and interview with Messner about his book (download podcast, in German only)

Towards Cloud Computing Competence at InIT / ZHAW

The Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) is one of the largest multi-disciplinary Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland with roughly 9000 students enrolled in a total of 24 Bachelor’s degree and 12 consecutive Master’s programs. One differentiating feature of ZHAW is its focus on industry co-innovation represented by 30 research institutes across 8 schools.

The Institute of Applied Information Technology (InIT) of the School of Engineering is currently looking for a

“Senior Researcher/Researcher in Service Engineering/Cloud Computing” (Download in PDF)

The successful candidate will conduct cutting-edge research in the area of Service Engineering / Cloud Computing. More precisely, InIT is currently working towards a Cloud Computing Competence Center for collaborative co-innovation with the Swiss high-tech SME sector covering the full range of aspects inherent to the Cloud Computing stack that is Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. Typical assignments are (not limited to):

  • Research in the area of Cloud Computing (OpenStack Framework)
  • Collaboration with Swiss high-tech SMEs in co-innovation projects
  • Definition, acquisition, and leadership of research proposals / projects (national + EU)
  • Supervision of student projects and research assistants
  • Publishing in national and international conferences, magazines, and journals

Applicants must have a degree in Computer Science, or related study, with excellent results in relevant disciplines. Willingness to engage and demonstrate applied research is a prerequisite. The ideal candidate will have a passion for computer communications, distributed systems, Internet technologies combined with a solid background in software development and Open Source Software.

Knowledge of English is a prerequisite for application, German is an advantage. Most people in Switzerland can communicate conveniently in English. We expect the candidate to be an internationally oriented, enthusiastic computer engineer that enjoys working in teams with a healthy mix of scientific and applied ambition. In return we provide intellectual liberty, opportunities for applied industrial collaboration, and competitive compensation based on Swiss standards.

For further information please contact
Gerold Baudinot, Head of Institute
Tel. +4158 934 70 68

Interested? Then send your complete application with reference “T1131” to E-Mail:

Back to the Roots

emobility-relaunch-logo_networksAt the very beginning there were the ETPs … and Net!Works (formerly known as eMobility) at the forefront of the X-ETP movment towards the definition of the FI-PPP.

Today got the chance to present the status and well-being of FI-WARE to it*s founding fathers during the Net!Works Steering Board meeting (slides).

Great pleasure, what a loss that I have to leave it along with my resignation from SAP. But let*s see what the future my bring.

ESF COST Action IC0906: Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (WiNeMO)

WINEMO My fondness for ESF COST Actions should be widely known, I hope. It was also documented during an interview back in 2007 (download), in which reflections about my participation in COST290 resulted in this summary:
Why would you recommend other early stage researchers to become involved in COST?

  • The complete experience gathered by directly interacting with one and the same community over an
    extended period of time.
  • A combination of invaluable technical feedback received, more frequent and to a much larger extent than by attending conferences, and social aspects that bring young scientists forward
  • An ideal framework to establish teams. Work in science includes multiple disciplines and requires teamwork. Teamwork depends on a social network. Meeting regularly is a central element to gain credibility, establish trust and invaluable interpersonal links, the foundation of any teamwork.
  • I do not know any other programme where seniors and juniors are so vividly interacting and where, as a result of that, great ideas naturally become projects which in turn provide the vital means for scientific contributions.
  • It is therefore even more delightful to be given the chance to join the Management Committee of COST IC0906 WiNeMO with my new affiliation at ZHAW (and after repeated failures to convince SAP to do so). Thanks goes to the chair of the action, Yevgeni, and Torsten for keeping this seat free and arranging my late registration. Special thanks also to the Swiss COST office; This appointment means to act as official Swiss representative.

    About WiNeMO
    The Internet of the Future will incorporate a large number of autonomous wireless objects moving with diverse patterns and speeds while communicating via several radio interfaces. Examples of such objects may include humans, cars or unmanned aerial vehicles, with every object acting as a networking device generating, relaying and/or absorbing data. Achieving the Internet of the Future, will require global interoperability amongst objects/devices, not typically commonplace due to inherent features of today’s Internet. To overcome current shortcomings, a number of research challenges have to be addressed in the area of networking, including protocol engineering, development of applications and services, as well as realistic use-cases. The Action will increase the knowledge and coordinate research efforts of national and international projects in the area of Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (WiNeMO). Its activity will foster wide dissemination of research results, serving as an internationally recognized reference point. This will be achieved through capacity building of WiNeMO stakeholders offering appropriate networking opportunities to Early Stage Researchers. Results will also be demonstrated through joint living labs and showcases for researchers, decision makers and public exhibitions.

    The main objective of WiNeMo is to advance the state-of-the-art concerning networking aspects of scenarios integrating moving objects of the most varied kinds, ranging from personal use devices to sensors, into the Internet of the Future. In particular, the Action will coordinate the development of new algorithms, techniques, protocols models and tools that will facilitate the integration of moving objects into pervasive and ambient communications. The Action will foster cooperation among researchers at European and global level by contributing to the coordination and defragmentation of research efforts across Europe in the area by creating an open forum for academia and industry. As a consequence, the Action will play a supporting role to European industry – including SMEs – and will enhance cooperation between industry and academia in the area of networking support for moving objects. The Action will seek active cooperation with existing COST Actions and foster relationships with external bodies such as Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); Open Mobile Alliance (OMA); the Standardization and Radiocommunication Sectors of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU); European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The establishment of links with international (e.g. FP7 programmes) and national research projects is deemed as an essential goal which will be proactively pursued throughout the Action’s lifetime.

    General Chair of DCPerf 2012

    Appointed to General Chair of the 2nd international workshop on Data Center Performance, DCPerf 2012

    Data centers have become an integral part of the backbone infrastructure for information technology. In particular, they provide a cost-efficient solution for provisioning a wide range of computing resources in diverse environments such as for business, scientific, or mobile purposes. Owing to the rapid growth of user-defined and user-generated programs, applications and content, the complexity of deploying and operating data centers is expected to increase. Considering the high volume of mixed workloads, the diversity of services offered, and the increasing mobility of users across geographically distributed areas, the performance optimization of data centers has become ever more necessary and challenging, especially concerning criteria such as scalability, reliability, manageability, power efficiency, area density, and operating costs. As a result, adaptive and autonomic optimization strategies are essential for managing the multi-dimensional complexity of data center performance.

    The goal of this workshop is to promote a community-wide discussion to find and identify suitable strategies to enable effective and scalable data center performance optimizations. We are looking for papers that present new techniques, introduce new methodologies, propose new research directions, or discuss strategies for resolving open performance problems at all layers of a data center.

    FI-WARE and the 2nd FOKUS FUSECO Forum 2011

    fuseco-forum-logo_2011Looking foward to the 2nd FOKUS FUSECO Forum 2011. Launched in 2010, see FUSECO 2010 blog entry, this event immediatelly proved to become a prime Future Internet event neatly located inbetween cutting edge research and business innovation. A definitive „must attend“ featuring an excellent mix of ICT and Non-ICT executives and Future Internet researchers.

    A perfect place to present FI-WARE and the FI-PPP that both intrinsically fit the innovation oriented nature of this event. My slides are available for download (FI-WARE General and Open Call) and (FI-WARE I2ND Chapter).

    Musa Unmehopa, Alcatel Lucent, France
    – 1BN OMA enabled devices end of 2011

    Bernd Wunderlich, IBM, Germany
    – IBM runs a pilot on cloudified RAN with China Mobile

    Dr. Dieter Schafhuber, Accenture, Germany
    – LTE Network CAPEX in Germany 4.5B Euro
    – Network makes for 60-70 percentages of total CAPEX on operator balance sheets
    – Since 2007 network sharing (in particular mobile networks) is gaining significant momentum
    – Full RAN sharing, saving 34/22 CAPEX, 32/25 OPEX (greenfield site/existing site)
    – Saving, 6% after 5years (then exponential increase)
    – US back-to-back-to-back example: Lightsquared leaes infrastructure from Sprint and Sprint leases wholesale network services from Lightsquared

    Giulio Maggiore, Telecom Italia, Italy / ETSI TC INT Chairman, France
    – ETP interoperability by ETSI (e.g. Diameter conformace testing)
    – VoLTE interoperability test conducted in 2011
    – Incorporation of WIFI access important
    – Interoperability essential since Time-to-Market is continuously getting shorter
    – OTT and classic telco provider business (for voice) is simply not cmparable (entirely different business, regulatory environment, etc)
    – DIAMETER perhaps replaces SS7 completely in the future, but DIAMETER is not prepared/used for inter-provider scenarios, like for instance roaming

    Christian Gayda, NSN, Germany (Christoph Aktas, VP RCS Standardisation, GSMA, UK)
    – More than 100 companies involved in RCS, 30 telco incumbents
    – Trails in France and Spain with encouraging user feedback for services like chat/voice/file-transfer/enhanced phonebook
    – RCS will develop into RCS-e (RCE), to be announced at the upcoming Mobile World Congress
    – RCS-e, live video, file sharing, 121 and group chat, VoLTE
    – RCS-e to be comercially available in Germany, Spain, France, etc in first half of 2012

    Franz Seiser, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany

    – DIAMETER not prepared for roaming but central component of LTE/EPC
    – Circuit Swichted SMS/Voice: foreseen as interim solution, still many issues with call-setup times
    – IMS-based VoLTE: Many issues with system integration with legacy networks (SR-VCC) and roaming, co-esisting RCS-e and VoLTE
    – Mismatch of Roaming biz- and technology models between LTE/EPC and existing IMS-based approach

    Dr. Guido Gehlen, Vodafone, Germany
    – Vodafone ran an IPv6 and IMS test for automotive services
    – Global data services (no roaming fees!) for in-car multi-media unit (nav + web services)
    – IMS for M2M Usage Area

    Alfonso Ehijo, University of Chile, Chile
    – Chile first country that fully implemened Net Neutrality

    HP Baumeister, Fraunhofer Digital Media Technologies, USA

    – USA leading 4G market, AT&T and Verizon leading, Sprint and T-Mobile next
    – Mobile Video will make for nearly 70% of traffic in 2014
    – OTT lead worldwide mobile VoIP (Skype first)
    – 20 % of voice services in North America already VoIP, expected to rise to 40% in 2014
    – FaceTime on IPhones is catching up
    – New concept of HD-VoiIP, worse than AM radio … Skype and Facetime way superior
    – Solution, use State-of-the-Art codecs backed by stable licensing framework, that is AAC-ELD (used by FaceTime) de-facto royality free

    The 16th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling – ONDM 2012

    On the TPC of ONDM 2012 (special thanks to Reza).

    The CFP remains open until the 30th November 2011, author instructions can be found at the conference website. ONDM 2012 encourages submissions of research papers that relate the topics of optical networking to the other areas and disciplines, such as integration of optical and wireless networks or the role of optical network for the future Internet design. Controversial ideas and approaches and their open discussion are strongly encouraged.

    Future Internet Symposium 2011

    Will talk about „Business, Technology, and Research Trends in the Telecom Industry“ on behalf of Net!Works and FI-WARE at the Future Internet Symposium (FIS) 2011.

    FIS 2011 is co-located with the COIN Final Conference and focuses on these objectives. The agenda of the event can be found here: FIS 2011 Technical Program along with the slides of my talk“.